Goto Section: 54.513 | 54.515 | Table of Contents

FCC 54.514
Revised as of September 1, 2021
Goto Year:2020 | 2022
  ยง  54.514   Payment for discounted services.

   (a) Invoice filing deadline. Invoices must be submitted to the

   (1) 120 days after the last day to receive service;

   (2) 120 days after the date of the FCC Form 486 Notification Letter; or

   (3) 120 days after the date of the Revised Funding Commitment Decision
   Letter approving a post-commitment request made by the applicant or
   service provider or a successful appeal of a previously denied or
   reduced funding request, whichever is latest.

   (b) Invoice deadline extension. In advance of the deadline calculated
   pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section, service providers or billed
   entities may request a one-time extension of the invoicing deadline.
   The Administrator shall grant a 120 day extension of the invoice filing
   deadline, if it is timely requested.

   (c) Choice of payment method. Service providers providing discounted
   services under this subpart in any funding year shall, prior to the
   submission of the FCC Form 471, permit the billed entity to choose the
   method of payment for the discounted services from those methods
   approved by the Administrator, including by making a full, undiscounted
   payment and receiving subsequent reimbursement of the discount amount
   from the Administrator.

   [ 79 FR 49203 , Aug. 19, 2014, as amended at  86 FR 9027 , Feb. 11, 2021]


Goto Section: 54.513 | 54.515

Goto Year: 2020 | 2022
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