Goto Section: 64.2337 | 64.2345 | Table of Contents

FCC 64.2341
Revised as of October 1, 2020
Goto Year:2019 | 2021
  ยง  64.2341   Record keeping.

   (a) A telecommunications carrier must retain, for at least one year
   after its expiration, each written contract that it has executed for
   the provision of subscriber list information for directory publishing
   purposes to itself, an affiliate, or an entity that publishes
   directories on the carrier's behalf.

   (b) A telecommunications carrier must maintain, for at least one year
   after the carrier provides subscriber list information for directory
   publishing purposes to itself, an affiliate, or an entity that
   publishes directories on the carrier's behalf, records of any of its
   rates, terms, and conditions for providing that subscriber list
   information which are not set forth in a written contract.

   (c) Except to the extent specified in paragraph (d), a carrier shall
   make the contracts and records described in paragraphs (a) and (b)
   available, upon request, to the Commission and to any directory
   publisher that requests those contracts and records for the purpose of
   publishing a directory.

   (d) A carrier need not disclose to a directory publisher pursuant to
   paragraph (c) portions of requested contracts that are wholly unrelated
   to the rates, terms, or conditions under which the carrier provides
   subscriber list information to itself, an affiliate, or an entity that
   publishes directories on the carrier's behalf.

   (e) A carrier may subject its disclosure of subscriber list information
   contracts or records to a directory publisher pursuant to paragraph (c)
   to a confidentiality agreement that limits access to and use of the
   information to the purpose of determining the rates, terms, and
   conditions under which the carrier provides subscriber list information
   to itself, an affiliate, or an entity that publishes directories on the
   carrier's behalf.

   [ 28 FR 13239 , Dec. 5, 1963, as amended at  69 FR 62816 , Oct. 28, 2004]


Goto Section: 64.2337 | 64.2345

Goto Year: 2019 | 2021
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