Goto Section: 27.1415 | 27.1417 | Table of Contents
FCC 27.1416
Revised as of October 1, 2020
Goto Year:2019 |
ยง 27.1416 Reimbursable costs.
(a) Determining reimbursable costs. The Relocation Payment
Clearinghouse shall review reimbursement requests to determine whether
they are reasonable and to ensure they comply with the requirements
adopted in this sub-part. The Relocation Payment Clearinghouse shall
give parties the opportunity to supplement any reimbursement claims
that the Relocation Payment Clearinghouse deems deficient.
Reimbursement submissions that fall within the estimated range of costs
in the cost category schedule issued by the Wireless Telecommunications
Bureau shall be presumed reasonable. If the Relocation Payment
Clearinghouse determines that the amount sought for reimbursement is
unreasonable, it shall notify the party of the amount it deems eligible
for reimbursement. The Wireless Telecommunications Bureau shall make
further determinations related to reimbursable costs, as necessary,
throughout the transition process.
(b) Payment procedures. Following a determination of the reimbursable
amount, the Relocation Payment Clearinghouse shall incorporate approved
claims into invoices, which it shall issue to each licensee indicating
the amount to be paid. The Relocation Payment Clearinghouse shall pay
approved claims within 30 days of invoice submission. The Relocation
Payment Clearinghouse shall also include its own reasonable costs in
the invoices.
Goto Section: 27.1415 | 27.1417
Goto Year: 2019 |
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