Goto Section: 27.1170 | 27.1174 | Table of Contents

FCC 27.1172
Revised as of October 1, 2020
Goto Year:2019 | 2021
  ยง  27.1172   Dispute Resolution Under the Cost-Sharing Plan.

   (a) Disputes arising out of the cost-sharing plan, such as disputes
   over the amount of reimbursement required, must be brought, in the
   first instance, to the clearinghouse for resolution. To the extent that
   disputes cannot be resolved by the clearinghouse, parties are
   encouraged to use expedited Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
   procedures, such as binding arbitration, mediation, or other ADR

   (b) Evidentiary requirement. Parties of interest contesting the
   clearinghouse's determination of specific cost-sharing obligations must
   provide evidentiary support to demonstrate that their calculation is
   reasonable and made in good faith. Specifically, these parties are
   expected to exercise due diligence to obtain the information necessary
   to prepare an independent estimate of the relocation costs in question
   and to file the independent estimate and supporting documentation with
   the clearinghouse.


Goto Section: 27.1170 | 27.1174

Goto Year: 2019 | 2021
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