Goto Section: 61.68 | 61.72 | Table of Contents
FCC 61.69
Revised as of October 1, 2016
Goto Year:2015 |
ยง 61.69 Rejection.
When a tariff publication is rejected by the Commission, its number may
not be used again. This includes, but is not limited to, such
publications as tariff numbers or specific page revision numbers. The
rejected tariff publication may not be referred to as either cancelled
or revised. Within five business days of the release date of the
Commission's Order rejecting such tariff publication, the issuing
carrier shall file tariff revisions removing the rejected material,
unless the Commission's Order establishes a different date for this
filing. The publication that is subsequently issued in lieu of the
rejected tariff publication must bear the notation:
In lieu of __, rejected by the Federal Communications Commission.
[ 64 FR 46592 , Aug. 26, 1999]
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Goto Section: 61.68 | 61.72
Goto Year: 2015 |
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