Goto Section: 214.6 | 214.8 | Table of Contents

FCC 214.7
Revised as of October 2, 2015
Goto Year:2014 | 2016
  § 213.7   Policies.

   (a) Calls and messages in each precedence classification above shall have no
   precedence over others within the same classification, except where, within
   the same classification, they cannot be handled simultaneously. Then, they
   shall be handled in the order of their receipt.

   (b) Individuals whose requirements qualify them to use the precedence system
   share  the  responsibility  for insuring its effectiveness. Users must
   familiarize themselves with the purposes to be served by the use of each
   precedence designator. It must be remembered that the entire system will
   operate successfully only if the use of the precedence designator is limited
   strictly to the intended purposes. Each user must consider whether each
   message or call requires any special precedence and exercise care not to
   specify a higher precedence than circumstances require.

   (c)  For  public  correspondence  message  services,  the  domestic or
   international precedence designators shall be shown in full by the sender as
   the first word preceding the name of the addressee.

   (d) For public correspondence call services, the user should first attempt
   to complete the call in the normal manner. In the event the user is unable
   to complete the call and the type of communication falls within one of the
   precedence  categories  listed herein the call should be filed with an
   operator for completion and the user must specify the required precedence
   handling by stating that this is a Flash Emergency, Immediate Emergency, or
   Priority Emergency call, whichever the case may be.

   (e) Any apparent misuse of precedence indicators by non-Federal Government
   activities brought to the attention of the communication common carriers
   shall be referred to the FCC on and after-the-fact basis.

   (f) Any apparent misuse by Federal Government activities brought to the
   attention of the communication common carriers shall be referred to the
   Executive Agent, National Communications System. The Executive Agent will
   refer any matter which cannot be resolved with the cognizant Government
   activity to the National Security Council, for decision.

   (g) It is essential to provide public message and call capability for the
   transmission  of  military, governmental, and essential non-Government
   precedence  messages  and  calls.  Private line services for military,
   governmental, and other essential users are protected under a Priority
   System for Intercity Private Line Services promulgated by the FCC (FCC Order
   67-51)  and  the  National  Security Council. However, during national
   emergencies, military, governmental, and other essential users will have
   additional requirements for prompt completion of precedence traffic over
   public correspondence communication common carrier facilities. Therefore,
   notwithstanding the provisions of the above-described Priority System for
   Intercity Private Line Services, communication common carriers shall have
   available a minimum number of public correspondence circuits at all times so
   as to provide for the transmission of precedence type messages and calls.
   Normally, the communication common carriers shall use their judgment in
   determining this number of circuits required for public correspondence
   precedence traffic. However, the authority is reserved to the National
   Security Council or the Federal Communications Commission, as appropriate to
   the time and situation, to revise the decisions of the carriers respecting
   the allocation of circuits, and to resolve any questions which are referred
   to them by the carriers or the users.

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Goto Section: 214.6 | 214.8

Goto Year: 2014 | 2016
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