Goto Section: 17.712 | 17.714 | Table of Contents

FCC 17.713
Revised as of December 4, 2012
Goto Year:2011 | 2013
  §  15.713   TV bands database.

   (a) Purpose. The TV bands database serves the following functions:

   (1) To determine and provide to a TVBD, upon request, the available TV
   channels at the TVBD's location. Available channels are determined
   based on the interference protection requirements in § 15.712. A
   database must provide fixed and Mode II personal portable TVBDs with
   channel availability information that includes scheduled changes in
   channel availability over the course of the 48 hour period beginning at
   the time the TVBDs make a re-check contact. In making lists of
   available channels available to a TVBD, the TV bands database shall
   ensure that all communications and interactions between the TV bands
   database and the TVBD include adequate security measures such that
   unauthorized parties cannot access or alter the TV bands database or
   the list of available channels sent to TVBDs or otherwise affect the
   database system or TVBDs in performing their intended functions or in
   providing adequate interference protections to authorized services
   operating in the TV bands. In addition, a TV bands database must also
   verify that the FCC identifier (FCC ID) of a device seeking access to
   its services is valid; under this requirement the TV bands database
   must also verify that the FCC ID of a Mode I device provided by a fixed
   or Mode II device is valid. A list of devices with valid FCC IDs and
   the FCC IDs of those devices is to be obtained from the Commission's
   Equipment Authorization System.

   (2) To register the identification information and location of fixed

   (3) To register protected locations and channels as specified in
   paragraph (b)(2) of this section, that are not otherwise recorded in
   Commission licensing databases.

   (b) Information in the TV bands database. (1) Facilities already
   recorded in Commission databases. Identifying and location information
   will come from the official Commission database. These services

   (i) Digital television stations.

   (ii) Class A television stations.

   (iii) Low power television stations.

   (iv) Television translator and booster stations.

   (v) Broadcast Auxiliary Service stations (including receive only
   sites), except low power auxiliary stations.

   (vi) Private land mobile radio service stations.

   (vii) Commercial mobile radio service stations.

   (viii) Offshore radiotelephone service stations.

   (2) Facilities that are not recorded in Commission databases.
   Identifying and location information will be entered into the TV bands
   database in accordance with the procedures established by the TV bands
   database administrator(s). These include:

   (i) MVPD receive sites.

   (ii) Class A television station receive sites.

   (iii) Low power television station receive sites.

   (iv) Television translator station receive sites.

   (v) Sites where low power auxiliary stations, including wireless
   microphones and wireless assist video devices, are used and their
   schedule for operation.

   (vi) Fixed TVBD registrations.

   (c) Restrictions on registration. (1) Television translator, low power
   TV and Class A station receive sites within the protected contour of
   the station being received are not eligible for registration in the

   (2) MVPD receive sites within the protected contour or more than 80
   kilometers from the nearest edge of the protected contour of a
   television station being received are not eligible to register that
   station's channel in the database.

   (d) Determination of available channels. The TV bands database will
   determine the available channels at a location using the interference
   protection requirements of § 15.712, the location information supplied
   by a TVBD, and the data for protected stations/locations in the

   (e) TVBD initialization. (1) Fixed and Mode II TVBDs must provide their
   location and required identifying information to the TV bands database
   in accordance with the provisions of this subpart.

   (2) Fixed and Mode II TVBDs shall not transmit unless they receive,
   from the TV bands database, a list of available channels and may only
   transmit on the available channels on the list provided by the

   (3) Fixed TVBDs register and receive a list of available channels from
   the database by connecting to the iInternet, either directly or through
   another fixed TVBD that has a direct connection to the Internet.

   (4) Mode II TVBDs receive a list of available channels from the
   database by connecting to the Internet, either directly or through a
   fixed or Mode II TVBD that has a direct connection to the Internet.

   (5) A fixed or Mode II TVBD that provides a list of available channels
   to a Mode I device shall notify the database of the FCC identifier of
   such Mode I device and receive verification that that FCC identifier is
   valid before providing the list of available channels to the Mode I

   (6) A fixed device located at a site where the ground level height
   above average terrain (HAAT) is greater than 76 meters shall not be
   provided a list of available channels. The ground level HAAT of sites
   occupied by fixed TVBDs is to be calculated using computational
   software employing the methodology in § 73.684(d) of this chapter.

   (f) Fixed TVBD registration. (1) Prior to operating for the first time
   or after changing location, a fixed TVBD must register with the TV
   bands database by providing the information listed in paragraph (f)(3)
   of this section.

   (2) The party responsible for a fixed TVBD must ensure that the TVBD
   registration database has the most current, up-to-date information for
   that device.

   (3) The TVBD registration database shall contain the following
   information for fixed TVBDs:

   (i) FCC identifier (FCC ID) of the device;

   (ii) Manufacturer's serial number of the device;

   (iii) Device's geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude (NAD 83)
   accurate to +-/ - 50 m);

   (iv) Device's antenna height above ground level (meters);

   (v) Name of the individual or business that owns the device;

   (vi) Name of a contact person responsible for the device's operation;

   (vii) Address for the contact person;

   (viii) E-mail address for the contact person;

   (ix) Phone number for the contact person.

   (g) A personal/portable device operating in Mode II shall provide the
   database its FCC Identifier (as required by § 2.926 of this chapter),
   serial number as assigned by the manufacturer, and the device's
   geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude (NAD 83) accurate to
   +-50 m)

   (h) TV bands database information. The TV bands database shall contain
   the listed information for each of the following:

   (1) Digital television stations, digital and analog Class A, low power,
   translator and booster stations, including stations in Canada and
   Mexico that are within the border coordination areas as specified in
   § 73.1650 of this chapter (a TV bands database is to include only TV
   station information from station license or license application
   records. In cases where a station has records for both a license
   application and a license, a TV bands database should include the
   information from the license application rather than the license. In
   cases where there are multiple license application records or license
   records for the same station, the database is to include the most
   recent records, and again with license applications taking precedence
   over licenses.):

   (i) Transmitter coordinates (latitude and longitude in NAD 83);

   (ii) Effective radiated power (ERP);

   (iii) Height above average terrain of the transmitting antenna (HAAT);

   (iv) Horizontal transmit antenna pattern (if the antenna is

   (v) Amount of electrical and mechanical beam tilt (degrees depression
   below horizontal) and orientation of mechanical beam tilt (degrees
   azimuth clockwise from true north);

   (vi) Channel number; and

   (vii) Station call sign.

   (2) Broadcast Auxiliary Service.

   (i) Transmitter coordinates (latitude and longitude in NAD 83).

   (ii) Receiver coordinates (latitude and longitude in NAD 83).

   (iii) Channel number.

   (iv) Call sign.

   (3) Metropolitan areas listed in § 90.303(a) of this chapter.

   (i) Region name.

   (ii) Channel(s) reserved for use in the region.

   (iii) Geographic center of the region (latitude and longitude in NAD

   (iv) Call sign.

   (4) PLMRS/CMRS base station operations located more than 80 km from the
   geographic centers of the 13 metropolitan areas defined in § 90.303(a)
   of this chapter ( e.g. , in accordance with a waiver).

   (i) Transmitter location (latitude and longitude in NAD 83) or
   geographic area of operations.

   (ii) Effective radiated power.

   (iii) Transmitter height above average terrain (if specified).

   (iv) Antenna height above ground level (if specified).

   (v) Call sign.

   (5) Offshore Radiotelephone Service. For each of the four regions where
   the Offshore Radiotelephone Service operates.

   (i) Geographic boundaries of the region (latitude and longitude in NAD
   83 for each point defining the boundary of the region.

   (ii) Channel(s) used by the service in that region.

   (6) MVPD receive sites. Registration for receive sites is limited to
   channels that are received over-the-air and are used as part of the
   MVPD service.

   (i) Name and address of MVPD company;

   (ii) Location of the MVPD receive site (latitude and longitude in NAD
   83, accurate to +-/ - 50 m);

   (iii) Channel number of each television channel received, subject to
   the following condition: channels for which the MVPD receive site is
   located within the protected contour of that channel's transmitting
   station are not eligible for registration in the database;

   (iv) Call sign of each television channel received and eligible for

   (v) Location (latitude and longitude) of the transmitter of each
   television channel received;

   (7) Television translator, low power TV and Class A TV station receive
   sites. Registration for television translator, low power TV and Class A
   receive sites is limited to channels that are received over-the-air and
   are used as part of the station's service.

   (i) Call sign of the TV translator station;

   (ii) Location of the TV translator receive site (latitude and longitude
   in NAD 83, accurate to +-/ - 50 m);

   (iii) Channel number of the re-transmitted television station, subject
   to the following condition: a channel for which the television
   translator receive site is located within the protected contour of that
   channel's transmitting station is not eligible for registration in the

   (iv) Call sign of the retransmitted television station; and

   (v) Location (latitude and longitude) of the transmitter of the
   retransmitted television station.

   (8) Licensed low power auxiliary stations, including wireless
   microphones and wireless assist video devices. Use of licensed low
   power auxiliary stations at well defined times and locations may be
   registered in the database. Multiple registrations that specify more
   than one point in the facility may be entered for very large sites.
   Registrations will be valid for no more than one year, after which they
   may be renewed. Registrations must include the following information:

   (i) Name of the individual or business responsible for the low power
   auxiliary device(s);

   (ii) An address for the contact person;

   (iii) An email address for the contact person (optional);

   (iv) A phone number for the contact person;

   (v) Coordinates where the device(s) are used (latitude and longitude in
   NAD 83, accurate to +-/ - 50 m);

   (vi) Channels used by the low power auxiliary devices operated at the

   (vii) Specific months, weeks, days of the week and times when the
   device(s) are used (on dates when microphones are not used the site
   will not be protected); and

   (viii) The stations call sign.

   (9) Unlicensed wireless microphones at venues of events and
   productions/shows that use large numbers of wireless microphones that
   cannot be accommodated in the two reserved channels and other channels
   that are not available for use by TVBDs at that location. Such sites of
   large events and productions/shows with significant wireless microphone
   use at well defined times and locations may be registered in the
   database. Entities responsible for eligible event venues registering
   their site with a TV bands data base are required to first make use of
   the two reserved channels and other channels that are not available for
   use by TVBDs at that location. As a benchmark, at least 6-8 wireless
   microphones should be operating in each channel used at such venues
   (both licensed and unlicensed wireless microphones used at the event
   may be counted to comply with this benchmark). Multiple registrations
   that specify more than one point in the facility may be entered for
   very large sites. Sites of eligible event venues using unlicensed
   wireless microphones must be registered with the Commission at least 30
   days in advance and the Commission will provide this information to the
   data base managers. Parties responsible for eligible event venues
   filing registration requests must certify that they are making use of
   all TV channels not available to TV bands devices and on which wireless
   microphones can practicably be used, including channels 7-51 (except
   channel 37). The Commission will make requests for registration of
   sites that use unlicensed wireless microphones public and will provide
   an opportunity for public comment or objections. Registrations will be
   valid for one year, after which they may be renewed. The Commission
   will take actions against parties that file inaccurate or incomplete
   information, such as denial of registration in the database, removal of
   information from the database pursuant to paragraph (i) of this
   section, or other sanctions as appropriate to ensure compliance with
   the rules. Registrations must include the following information:

   (i) Name of the individual or business that owns the unlicensed
   wireless microphones;

   (ii) An address for the contact person;

   (iii) An e-mail address for the contact person (optional);

   (iv) A phone number for the contact person;

   (v) Coordinates where the device(s) are used (latitude and longitude in
   NAD 83, accurate to +-/ - 50 m);

   (vi) Channels used by the wireless microphones operated at the site and
   the number of wireless microphones used in each channel. As a
   benchmark, least 6-8 wireless microphones must be used in each channel.
   Registration requests that do not meet this criteria will not be
   registered in the TV bands data bases;

   (vii) Specific months, weeks, days of the week and times when the
   device(s) are used (on dates when microphones are not used the site
   will not be protected); and

   (viii) The name of the venue.

   (i) Commission requests for data. (1) A TV bands database administrator
   must provide to the Commission, upon request, any information contained
   in the database.

   (2) A TV bands database administrator must remove information from the
   database, upon direction, in writing, by the Commission.

   (j) Security. The TV bands database shall employ protocols and
   procedures to ensure that all communications and interactions between
   the TV bands database and TVBDs are accurate and secure and that
   unauthorized parties cannot access or alter the database or the list of
   available channels sent to a TVBD.

   (1) Communications between TV bands devices and TV bands databases, and
   between different TV bands databases, shall be secure to prevent
   corruption or unauthorized interception of data. A TV bands database
   shall be protected from unauthorized data input or alteration of stored

   (2) A TV bands database shall verify that the FCC identification number
   supplied by a fixed or personal/portable TV bands device is for a
   certified device and may not provide service to an uncertified device.

   (3) A TV bands database must not provide lists of available channels to
   uncertified TV bands devices for purposes of operation (it is
   acceptable for a TV bands database to distribute lists of available
   channels by means other than contact with TVBDs to provide list of
   channels for operation). To implement this provision, a TV bands
   database administrator shall obtain a list of certified TVBDs from the
   FCC Equipment Authorization System.

   [ 74 FR 7326 , Feb. 17, 2009, as amended at  75 FR 75840 , Dec. 6, 2010]

Goto Section: 17.712 | 17.714

Goto Year: 2011 | 2013
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