Goto Section: 76.954 | 76.956 | Table of Contents

FCC 76.955
Revised as of October 1, 2011
Goto Year:2010 | 2012
  §  76.955   Additional opportunity to file corrected complaint.

   (a) If the Commission dismisses an initial complaint without prejudice
   pursuant to § 76.954, the complainant shall have one additional
   opportunity to cure the defect and file a corrected complaint.

   (b) For a complaint filed on the applicable form but is otherwise
   defective, the complainant must cure the defect and file a corrected
   complaint with the Commission within 30 days from the date of the
   Commission's dismissal notice. Failure to cure the defect and file a
   corrected complaint within this time period will result in dismissal of
   the complaint with prejudice.

Goto Section: 76.954 | 76.956

Goto Year: 2010 | 2012
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