Goto Section: 80.329 | 80.332 | Table of Contents

FCC 80.331
Revised as of October 1, 2010
Goto Year:2009 | 2011
  ยง  80.331   Bridge-to-bridge communication procedure.

   (a) Vessels subject to the Bridge-to-Bridge Act transmitting on the
   designated navigational frequency must conduct communications in a
   format similar to those given below:

   (1) This is the (name of vessel). My position is (give readily
   identifiable position, course and speed) about to (describe
   contemplated action). Out.

   (2) Vessel off (give a readily identifiable position). This is (name of
   vessel) off (give a readily identifiable position). I plan to (give
   proposed course of action). Over.

   (3) (Coast station), this is (vessel's name) off (give readily
   identifiable position). I plan to (give proposed course of action).

   (b) Vessels acknowledging receipt must answer "(Name of vessel
   calling). This is (Name of vessel answering). Received your call," and
   follow with an indication of their intentions. Communications must
   terminate when each ship is satisfied that the other no longer poses a
   threat to its safety and is ended with "Out".

   (c) Use of power greater than 1 watt in a bridge-to-bridge station
   shall be limited to the following three situations:

   (1) Emergency.

   (2) Failure of the vessel being called to respond to a second call at
   low power.

   (3) A broadcast call as in paragraph (a)(1) of this section in a blind
   situation, e.g., rounding a bend in a river.

Goto Section: 80.329 | 80.332

Goto Year: 2009 | 2011
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