Goto Section: 24.15 | 24.50 | Table of Contents

FCC 24.16
Revised as of October 1, 2010
Goto Year:2009 | 2011
  ยง  24.16   Criteria for comparative renewal proceedings.

   A renewal applicant involved in a comparative renewal proceeding shall
   receive a preference, commonly referred to as a renewal expectancy,
   which is the most important comparative factor to be considered in the
   proceeding, if its past record for the relevant license period
   demonstrates that the renewal applicant:

   (a) Has provided "substantial" service during its past license term.
   "Substantial" service is defined as service which is sound, favorable,
   and substantially above a level of mediocre service which might just
   minimally warrant renewal; and

   (b) Has substantially complied with applicable Commission rules,
   policies and the Communications Act.

Subpart C--Technical Standards

Goto Section: 24.15 | 24.50

Goto Year: 2009 | 2011
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