Goto Section: 69.129 | 69.131 | Table of Contents

FCC 69.130
Revised as of October 1, 2009
Goto Year:2008 | 2010
  ยง  69.130   Line port costs in excess of basic analog service.

   To the extent that the costs of ISDN line ports, and line ports
   associated with other services, exceed the costs of a line port used
   for basic, analog service, non-price cap local exchange carriers may
   recover the difference through a separate monthly end-user charge,
   provided that no portion of such excess cost may be recovered through
   other common line access charges, or through Interstate Common Line

   [ 66 FR 59732 , Nov. 30, 2001]

Goto Section: 69.129 | 69.131

Goto Year: 2008 | 2010
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