Goto Section: 80.122 | 80.131 | Table of Contents

FCC 80.123
Revised as of October 1, 2008
Goto Year:2007 | 2009
  Sec.  80.123   Service to stations on land.

   Marine VHF public coast stations, including AMTS coast stations, may provide
   service to stations on land in accordance with the following:

   (a) The public coast station licensee must provide each associated land
   station  with  a  letter,  which  shall be presented to authorized FCC
   representatives  upon request, acknowledging that the land station may
   operate  under  the authority of the associated public coast station's

   (b) Each public coast station serving stations on land must afford priority
   to marine-originating communications through any appropriate electrical or
   mechanical means.

   (c) Land station identification shall consist of the associated public coast
   station's  call  sign, followed by a unique numeric or alphabetic unit

   (d) Radio equipment used on land must be certified for use under part 22,
   part 80, or part 90 of this chapter. Such equipment must operate only on the
   public correspondence channels authorized for use by the associated public
   coast station;

   (e) Transmitter power shall be in accordance with the limits set in  Sec. 80.215
   for ship stations and antenna height shall be limited to 6.1 meters (20
   feet) above ground level;

   (f) Land stations may only communicate with public coast stations and must
   remain within radio range of associated public coast stations; and,

   (g) The land station must cease operation immediately upon written notice by
   the Commission to the associated public coast station that the land station
   is causing harmful interference to marine communications.

   [ 62 FR 40304 , July 28, 1997, as amended at  72 FR 31194 , June 6, 2007;  73 FR 4480 , Jan. 25, 2008]

Special Procedures—Private Coast Stations

Goto Section: 80.122 | 80.131

Goto Year: 2007 | 2009
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