Goto Section: 2.1204 | 2.1207 | Table of Contents

FCC 2.1205
Revised as of October 1, 2008
Goto Year:2007 | 2009
  Sec.  2.1205   Filing of required declaration.

   (a) For points of entry where electronic filing with Customs has not been
   implemented,  use  FCC  Form 740 to provide the needed information and
   declarations. Attach a copy of the completed FCC Form 740 to the Customs
   entry papers.

   (b)(1)  For  points  of  entry where electronic filing with Customs is
   available, submit the following information to Customs when filing the entry
   documentation and the entry summary documentation electronically. Follow
   procedures established by Customs for electronic filing.

   (i) The terms under which the device is being imported, as indicated by
   citing the import condition number specified in  Sec. 2.1204(a).

   (ii) The FCC identifier as specified in  Sec. 2.925, if the device has been
   granted an equipment authorization;

   (iii) The quantity of devices being imported, regardless of what unit is
   specified in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States; and

   (iv) A commercial product description which is to include the trade name, a
   model/type number (or model/type name) and other descriptive information
   about the device being imported.

   (2) For importers unable to participate in the electronic filing process
   with Customs for good cause, declarations are to be made in accordance with
   paragraph (a) of this section.

   [ 56 FR 26619 , June 10, 1991, as amended at  64 FR 72572 , Dec. 28, 1999]

Goto Section: 2.1204 | 2.1207

Goto Year: 2007 | 2009
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