Table of Parts
Subpart A—General
Sec. 15.1 Scope of this part.
Sec. 15.3 Definitions.
Sec. 15.5 General conditions of operation.
Sec. 15.7 [Reserved]
Sec. 15.9 Prohibition against eavesdropping.
Sec. 15.11 Cross reference.
Sec. 15.13 Incidental radiators.
Sec. 15.15 General technical requirements.
Sec. 15.17 Susceptibility to interference.
Sec. 15.19 Labelling requirements.
Sec. 15.21 Information to user.
Sec. 15.23 Home-built devices.
Sec. 15.25 Kits.
Sec. 15.27 Special accessories.
Sec. 15.29 Inspection by the Commission.
Sec. 15.31 Measurement standards.
Sec. 15.32 Test procedures for CPU boards and computer power supplies.
Sec. 15.33 Frequency range of radiated measurements.
Sec. 15.35 Measurement detector functions and bandwidths.
Sec. 15.37 Transition provisions for compliance with the rules.
Sec. 15.38 Incorporation by reference.
Subpart B—Unintentional Radiators
Sec. 15.101 Equipment authorization of unintentional radiators.
Sec. 15.102 CPU boards and power supplies used in personal computers.
Sec. 15.103 Exempted devices.
Sec. 15.105 Information to the user.
Sec. 15.107 Conducted limits.
Sec. 15.109 Radiated emission limits.
Sec. 15.111 Antenna power conduction limits for receivers.
Sec. 15.113 Power line carrier systems.
Sec. 15.115 TV interface devices, including cable system terminal devices.
Sec. 15.117 TV broadcast receivers.
Sec. 15.118 Cable ready consumer electronics equipment.
Sec. 15.119 Closed caption decoder requirements for analog television
Sec. 15.120 Program blocking technology requirements for television
Sec. 15.121 Scanning receivers and frequency converters used with scanning
Sec. 15.122 Closed caption decoder requirements for digital television
receivers and converter boxes.
Sec. 15.123 Labeling of digital cable ready products.
Sec. 15.124 DTV Transition Notices by Manufacturers of Televisions and
Related Devices.
Subpart C—Intentional Radiators
Sec. 15.201 Equipment authorization requirement.
Sec. 15.202 Certified operating frequency range.
Sec. 15.203 Antenna requirement.
Sec. 15.204 External radio frequency power amplifiers and antenna
Sec. 15.205 Restricted bands of operation.
Sec. 15.207 Conducted limits.
Sec. 15.209 Radiated emission limits; general requirements.
Sec. 15.211 Tunnel radio systems.
Sec. 15.212 Modular transmitters.
Sec. 15.213 Cable locating equipment.
Sec. 15.214 Cordless telephones.
Radiated Emission Limits, Additional Provisions
Sec. 15.215 Additional provisions to the general radiated emission
Sec. 15.217 Operation in the band 160–190 kHz.
Sec. 15.219 Operation in the band 510–1705 kHz.
Sec. 15.221 Operation in the band 525–1705 kHz.
Sec. 15.223 Operation in the band 1.705–10 MHz.
Sec. 15.225 Operation within the band 13.110–14.010 MHz.
Sec. 15.227 Operation within the band 26.96–27.28 MHz.
Sec. 15.229 Operation within the band 40.66–40.70 MHz.
Sec. 15.231 Periodic operation in the band 40.66–40.70 MHz and above 70 MHz.
Sec. 15.233 Operation within the bands 43.71–44.49 MHz, 46.60–46.98 MHz,
48.75–49.51 MHz and 49.66–50.0 MHz.
Sec. 15.235 Operation within the band 49.82–49.90 MHz.
Sec. 15.237 Operation in the bands 72.0–73.0 MHz, 74.6–74.8 MHz and 75.2–76.0
Sec. 15.239 Operation in the band 88–108 MHz.
Sec. 15.240 Operation in the band 433.5–434.5 MHz.
Sec. 15.241 Operation in the band 174–216 MHz.
Sec. 15.242 Operation in the bands 174–216 MHz and 470–668 MHz.
Sec. 15.243 Operation in the band 890–940 MHz.
Sec. 15.245 Operation within the bands 902–928 MHz, 2435–2465 MHz, 5785–5815
MHz, 10500–10550 MHz, and 24075–24175 MHz.
Sec. 15.247 Operation within the bands 902–928 MHz, 2400–2483.5 MHz, and
5725–5850 MHz.
Sec. 15.249 Operation within the bands 902–928 MHz, 2400–2483.5 MHz,
5725–5875 MHZ, and 24.0–24.25 GHz.
Sec. 15.250 Operation of wideband systems within the band 5925–7250 MHz.
Sec. 15.251 Operation within the bands 2.9–3.26 GHz, 3.267–3.332 GHz,
3.339–3.3458 GHz, and 3.358–3.6 GHz.
Sec. 15.252 Operation of wideband vehicular radar systems within the bands
16.2–17.7 GHz and 23.12–29.0 GHz.
Sec. 15.253 Operation within the bands 46.7–46.9 GHz and 76.0–77.0 GHz.
Sec. 15.255 Operation within the band 57–64 GHz.
Sec. 15.257 Operation within the band 92–95 GHz.
Subpart D—Unlicensed Personal Communications Service Devices
Sec. 15.301 Scope.
Sec. 15.303 Definitions.
Sec. 15.305 Equipment authorization requirement.
Sec. 15.307 Coordination with fixed microwave service.
Sec. 15.309 Cross reference.
Sec. 15.311 Labeling requirements.
Sec. 15.313 Measurement procedures.
Sec. 15.315 Conducted limits.
Sec. 15.317 Antenna requirement.
Sec. 15.319 General technical requirements.
Sec. 15.321 [Reserved]
Sec. 15.323 Specific requirements for devices operating in the 1920–1930 MHz
Subpart E—Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure Devices
Sec. 15.401 Scope.
Sec. 15.403 Definitions.
Sec. 15.405 Cross reference.
Sec. 15.407 General technical requirements.
Subpart F—Ultra-Wideband Operation
Sec. 15.501 Scope.
Sec. 15.503 Definitions.
Sec. 15.505 Cross reference.
Sec. 15.507 Marketing of UWB equipment.
Sec. 15.509 Technical requirements for ground penetrating radars and wall
imaging systems.
Sec. 15.510 Technical requirements for through D-wall imaging systems.
Sec. 15.511 Technical requirements for surveillance systems.
Sec. 15.513 Technical requirements for medical imaging systems.
Sec. 15.515 Technical requirements for vehicular radar systems.
Sec. 15.517 Technical requirements for indoor UWB systems.
Sec. 15.519 Technical requirements for hand held UWB systems.
Sec. 15.521 Technical requirements applicable to all UWB devices.
Sec. 15.523 Measurement procedures.
Sec. 15.525 Coordination requirements.
Subpart G—Access Broadband Over Power Line (Access BPL)
Sec. 15.601 Scope.
Sec. 15.603 Definitions.
Sec. 15.605 Cross reference.
Sec. 15.607 Equipment authorization of Access BPL equipment.
Sec. 15.609 Marketing of Access BPL equipment.
Sec. 15.611 General technical requirements.
Sec. 15.613 Measurement procedures.
Sec. 15.615 General administrative requirements.
Authority: 47 U.S.C. 154, 302a, 303, 304, 307, 336, and 544a.
Source: 54 FR 17714, Apr. 25, 1989, unless otherwise noted.
Subpart A—General