Goto Section: 95.667 | 95.671 | Table of Contents

FCC 95.669
Revised as of October 1, 2007
Goto Year:2006 | 2008
Sec.  95.669   External controls.

   (a) Only the following external transmitter controls, connections or devices
   will normally be permitted in a CB transmitter:

   (1) Primary power connection. (Circuitry or devices such as rectifiers,
   transformers, or inverters which provide the nominal rated transmitter
   primary  supply  voltage  may  be used without voiding the transmitter

   (2) Microphone connection.

   (3) Antenna terminals.

   (4) Audio frequency power amplifier output connector and selector switch.

   (5) On-off switch for primary power to transmitter. This switch may be
   combined with receiver controls such as the receiver on-off switch and
   volume control.

   (6) Upper/lower sideband selector switch (for a transmitter that transmits
   emission type H3E, J3E or R3E).

   (7)  Carrier  level selector control (for a transmitter that transmits
   emission  type H3E, J3E or R3E.) This control may be combined with the
   sideband selector switch.

   (8) Channel frequency selector switch.

   (9) Transmit/receive selector switch.

   (10)  Meter(s)  and  selector  switch(es)  for  monitoring transmitter

   (11) Pilot lamp(s) or meter(s) to indicate the presence of RF output power
   or that the transmitter control circuits are activated to transmit.

   (b) The FCC may authorize additional controls, connections or devices after
   considering the functions to be performed by such additions.

   [ 53 FR 36789 , Sept. 22, 1988. Redesignated at  61 FR 28769 , June 6, 1996, and
   further redesignated at  61 FR 46567 , Sept. 4, 1996;  63 FR 36611 , July 7,

Goto Section: 95.667 | 95.671

Goto Year: 2006 | 2008
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