Goto Section: 95.210 | 95.212 | Table of Contents

FCC 95.211
Revised as of October 1, 2007
Goto Year:2006 | 2008
Sec.  95.211   (R/C Rule 11) What communications may be transmitted?

   (a) You may only use your R/C station to transmit one-way communications.
   (One-way  communications  are  transmissions which are not intended to
   establish communications with another station.)

   (b) You may only use your R/C station for the following purposes:

   (1) The operator turns on and/or off a device at a remote location (Refer to
   Diagram 1); or

   (2) A sensor at a remote location turns on and/off an indicating device for
   the operator. (Refer to Diagram 2). Only Channels 26.995 to 27.255 MHz (see
   R/C Rule 7,  Sec. 95.207(a)(1)) may be used for this purpose. (A remote location
   means a place distant from the operator.)

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   (c) Your R/C station may transmit any appropriate non-voice emission.

   [ 48 FR 24890 , June 3, 1983, as amended at  50 FR 37857 , Sept. 18, 1985;  57 FR 40343 , Sept. 3, 1992]

Goto Section: 95.210 | 95.212

Goto Year: 2006 | 2008
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