Goto Section: 90.465 | 90.469 | Table of Contents

FCC 90.467
Revised as of October 1, 2007
Goto Year:2006 | 2008
Sec.  90.467   Dispatch points.

   Dispatch  points  meeting the requirements of this section need not be
   specifically authorized; provided, however, that the licensee of any radio
   station  operated  from  a  dispatch point or points shall assume full
   responsibility for the use and operation of the authorized facilities in
   compliance with all applicable provisions of law or rule and shall comply
   with the policy:

   (a) A dispatch point may be linked to the transmitter(s) being operated by
   private  or  leased  wire  line  of fixed radio circuits, provided the
   requirements of  Sec. 90.463 are met.

   (b) No telephone position in the public, switched, telephone network will be
   treated as a dispatch point within the meaning or intent of this section.

   (c) Operation of transmitting facilities from dispatch points is permitted
   only when the control operator at a fixed control point in the system is on
   duty and at no other time.

Goto Section: 90.465 | 90.469

Goto Year: 2006 | 2008
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