Goto Section: 90.431 | 90.437 | Table of Contents

FCC 90.433
Revised as of October 1, 2007
Goto Year:2006 | 2008
Sec.  90.433   Operator requirements.

   (a)  No  operator  license  or  permit  is required for the operation,
   maintenance, or repair of stations licensed under this part.

   (b) Any person, with the consent or authorization of the licensee, may
   employ stations in this service for the purpose of telecommunications.

   (c) The station licensee shall be responsible for the proper operation of
   the station at all times and is expected to provide observations, servicing
   and maintenance as often as may be necessary to ensure proper operation. All
   adjustments or tests during or coincident with the installation, servicing,
   or maintenance of the station should be performed by or under the immediate
   supervision  and  responsibility  of a person certified as technically
   qualified to perform transmitter installation, operation, maintenance, and
   repair duties in the private land mobile services and fixed services by an
   organization or committee representative of users in those services.

   (d) The provisions of paragraph (b) of this section shall not be construed
   to change or diminish in any respect the responsibility of station licensees
   to  have  and  to  maintain control over the stations licensed to them
   (including all transmitter units thereof), or for the proper functioning and
   operation of those stations (including all transmitter units thereof), in
   accordance with the terms of the licenses of those stations.

   (Secs. 4(i) and 303(r), Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C.
   154(i) and 303(r), and sec. 553 of the Administrative Procedures Act, 5
   U.S.C. 553)

   [ 49 FR 20672 , May 16, 1984]

Goto Section: 90.431 | 90.437

Goto Year: 2006 | 2008
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