Goto Section: 90.129 | 90.137 | Table of Contents

FCC 90.135
Revised as of October 1, 2007
Goto Year:2006 | 2008
Sec.  90.135   Modification of license.

   (a) In addition to those changes listed in  Sec. 1.929(k) of this chapter and in
   accordance with  Sec. 1.947 of this chapter the following modifications may be
   made to an existing authorization without prior Commission approval:

   (1)  Change in the number and location of station control points or of
   control  stations  operating  below  470  or above 800 MHz meeting the
   requirements of  Sec. 90.119(b).

   (2) Change in the number of mobile units operated by Radiolocation Service

   (b) Unless specifically exempted in  Sec. 90.175, licensees must submit a Form
   601 application for modification to the applicable frequency coordinator for
   any change listed in  Sec. 1.929(c)(4) of this chapter.

   [ 65 FR 60875 , Oct. 13, 2000]

Goto Section: 90.129 | 90.137

Goto Year: 2006 | 2008
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