Goto Section: 80.854 | 80.858 | Table of Contents

FCC 80.855
Revised as of October 1, 2007
Goto Year:2006 | 2008
Sec.  80.855   Radiotelephone transmitter.

   (a) The transmitter must be capable of transmission of H3E and J3E emission
   on 2182 kHz, and J3E emission on 2638 kHz and at least two other frequencies
   within the band 1605 to 3500 kHz available for ship-to-shore or ship-to-ship

   (b)  The duty cycle of the transmitter must permit transmission of the
   international radiotelephone alarm signal.

   (c) The transmitter must be capable of transmitting clearly perceptible
   signals from ship to ship during daytime under normal conditions over a
   range of 150 nautical miles.

   (d)  The  transmitter complies with the range requirement specified in
   paragraph (c) of this section if:

   (1) The transmitter is capable of being matched to actual ship station
   transmitting antenna meeting the requirements of  Sec. 80.863; and

   (2) The output power is not less than 60 watts peak envelope power for H3E
   and J3E emission on the frequency 2182 kHz and for J3E emission on the
   frequency 2638 kHz into either an artificial antenna consisting of a series
   network  of  10  ohms resistance and 200 picofarads capacitance, or an
   artificial antenna of 50 ohms nominal impedance. An individual demonstration
   of the power output capability of the transmitter, with the radiotelephone
   installation normally installed on board ship, may be required.

   (e) The transmitter must provide visual indication whenever the transmitter
   is supplying power to the antenna.

   (f) The transmitter must be protected from excessive currents and voltages.

   (g)  A durable nameplate must be mounted on the transmitter or made an
   integral part of it showing clearly the name of the transmitter manufacturer
   and the type or model of the transmitter.

   (h) An artificial antenna must be provided to permit weekly checks of the
   automatic  device  for  generating  the radiotelephone alarm signal on
   frequencies other than the radiotelephone distress frequency.

Goto Section: 80.854 | 80.858

Goto Year: 2006 | 2008
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