Goto Section: 80.11 | 80.15 | Table of Contents

FCC 80.13
Revised as of October 1, 2007
Goto Year:2006 | 2008
Sec.  80.13   Station license required.

   (a)  Except as noted in paragraph (c) of this section, stations in the
   maritime service must be licensed by the FCC either individually or by

   (b) One ship station license will be granted for operation of all maritime
   services  transmitting equipment on board a vessel. Radiotelegraph and
   narrow-band directing-printing equipment will not be authorized, however,
   unless specifically requested by the applicant.

   (c) A ship station is licensed by rule and does not need an individual
   license issued by the FCC if the ship station is not subject to the radio
   equipment carriage requirements of any statute, treaty or agreement to which
   the United States is signatory, the ship station does not travel to foreign
   ports, and the ship station does not make international communications. A
   ship station licensed by rule is authorized to transmit radio signals using
   a marine radio operating in the 156–162 MHz band, any type of AIS, any type
   of EPIRB, and any type of radar installation. All other transmissions must
   be  authorized under a ship station license. Even though an individual
   license is not required, a ship station licensed by rule must be operated in
   accordance with all applicable operating requirements, procedures, and
   technical specifications found in this part.

   [ 61 FR 58010 , Nov. 12, 1996, as amended at  62 FR 40304 , July 28, 1997;  71 FR 60074 , Oct. 12, 2006]

Goto Section: 80.11 | 80.15

Goto Year: 2006 | 2008
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