Goto Section: 76.66 | 76.71 | Table of Contents

FCC 76.70
Revised as of October 1, 2007
Goto Year:2006 | 2008
Sec.  76.70   Exemption from input selector switch rules.

   (a) In any case of cable systems serving communities where no portion of the
   community is covered by the predicted Grade B contour of at least one full
   service  broadcast  television  station, or non-commercial educational
   television translator station operating with 5 or more watts output power
   and where the signals of no such broadcast stations are “significantly
   viewed” in the county where such a cable system is located, the cable system
   shall be exempt from the provisions of  Sec. 76.66. Cable systems may be eligible
   for this exemption where they demonstrate with engineering studies prepared
   in accordance with  Sec. 73.686 of this chapter or other showings that broadcast
   signals meeting the above criteria are not actually viewable within the

   (b)  Where  a  new  full  service broadcast television station, or new
   non-commercial educational television translator station with 5 or more
   watts,  or an existing such station of either type with newly upgraded
   facilities provides predicted Grade B service to a community served by a
   cable system previously exempt under paragraph (a) of this section, or the
   signal  of  any  such  broadcast  station  is  newly  determined to be
   “significantly viewed” in the county where such a cable system is located,
   the  cable  system  at  that time is required to comply fully with the
   provisions  of   Sec. 76.66. Cable systems may retain their exemption under
   paragraph  (a) of this section where they demonstrate with engineering
   studies  prepared  in accordance with  Sec. 73.686 of this chapter or other
   showings that broadcast signals meeting the above criteria are not actually
   viewable within the community.

   [ 54 FR 25716 , June 19, 1989]

Subpart E—Equal Employment Opportunity Requirements

   Source:    50 FR 40855 , Oct. 7, 1985, unless otherwise noted.

Goto Section: 76.66 | 76.71

Goto Year: 2006 | 2008
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