Goto Section: 76.1616 | 76.1618 | Table of Contents

FCC 76.1617
Revised as of October 1, 2007
Goto Year:2006 | 2008
Sec.  76.1617   Initial must-carry notice.

   (a) Within 60 days of activation of a cable system, a cable operator must
   notify all qualified NCE stations of its designated principal headend by
   certified mail.

   (b) Within 60 days of activation of a cable system, a cable operator must
   notify all local commercial and NCE stations that may not be entitled to
   carriage because they either:

   (1) Fail to meet the standards for delivery of a good quality signal to the
   cable system's principal headend, or

   (2) May cause an increased copyright liability to the cable system.

   (c) Within 60 days of activation of a cable system, a cable operator must
   send by certified mail a copy of a list of all broadcast television stations
   carried by its system and their channel positions to all local commercial
   and noncommercial television stations, including those not designated as
   must-carry stations and those not carried on the system.

Goto Section: 76.1616 | 76.1618

Goto Year: 2006 | 2008
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