Goto Section: 74.30 | 74.34 | Table of Contents

FCC 74.32
Revised as of October 1, 2007
Goto Year:2006 | 2008
Sec.  74.32   Operation in the 17.7–17.8 GHz and 17.819.7 GHz bands.

   (a)  To  minimize  or avoid harmful interference to Federal Government
   Satellite Earth Stations located in the Denver, Colorado and Washington, DC
   areas, any application for a new station license to provide MVPD operations
   in the 17.7–17.8 GHz band or to operate in the 17.8–19.7 GHz band for any
   service, or for modification of an existing station license in these bands
   which would change the frequency, power, emission, modulation, polarization,
   antenna  height or directivity, or location of such a station, must be
   coordinated  with  the  Federal Government by the Commission before an
   authorization will be issued, if the station or proposed station is located
   in  whole  or in part within any of the areas defined by the following
   rectangles or circles:

   Denver, CO Area

   Rectangle 1:
   41 °30'00" N. Lat. on the north103 °10'00" W. Long. on the east38 °30'00" N.
   Lat. on the south106 °30'00" W. Long. on the west

   Rectangle 2:
   38 °30'00" N. Lat. on the north105 °00'00" W. Long. on the east37 °30'00" N.
   Lat. on the south105 °50'00" W. Long. on the west

   Rectangle 3:
   40 °08'00" N. Lat. on the north107 °00'00" W. Long. on the east39 °56'00" N.
   Lat. on the south107 °15'00" W. Long. on the west

   Washington, DC Area

   38 °40'00" N. Lat. on the north78 °50'00" W. Long. on the east38 °10'00" N.
   Lat. on the south79 °20'00" W. Long. on the west


   (b) Within a radius of 178 km of 38 °48'00" N. Lat./76 °52'00" W. Long.

   (c) In addition, no application seeking authority for MVPD operations in the
   17.7–17.8 GHz band or to operate in the 17.8–19.7 GHz band for any service
   will be accepted for filing if the proposed station is located within 20 km
   of the following coordinates:

   Denver, CO area: 39 °43'00" N. Lat./104 °46'00" W. Long.

   Washington, DC area: 38 °48'00" N. Lat./76 °52'00" W. Long.

   Note to  Sec. 74.32: The coordinates cited in this section are specified in terms
   of the “North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83)” with an accuracy of  30
   meters with respect to the “National Spacial Reference System”.

   [ 71 FR 69048 , Nov. 29, 2006;  71 FR 75614 , Dec. 15, 2006]

Goto Section: 74.30 | 74.34

Goto Year: 2006 | 2008
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