Goto Section: 73.787 | 73.801 | Table of Contents

FCC 73.788
Revised as of October 1, 2007
Goto Year:2006 | 2008
Sec.  73.788   Service; commercial or sponsored programs.

   (a) A licensee of an international broadcast station shall render only an
   international broadcast service which will reflect the culture of this
   country and which will promote international goodwill, understanding, and
   cooperation. Any program solely intended for and directed to an audience in
   the  continental United States does not meet the requirements for this

   (b) Such international broadcast service may include commercial or sponsored
   programs: Provided, That:

   (1)  Commercial program continuities give no more than the name of the
   sponsor of the program and the name and general character of the commodity,
   utility or service, or attraction advertised.

   (2) In case of advertising a commodity, the commodity is regularly sold or
   is being promoted for sale on the open market in the foreign country or
   countries to which the program is directed in accordance with paragraph (c)
   of this section.

   (3) In case of advertising an American utility or service to prospective
   tourists or visitors to the United States, the advertisement continuity is
   particularly directed to such persons in the foreign country or countries
   where they reside and to which the program is directed in accordance with
   paragraph (c) of this section.

   (4) In case of advertising an international attraction (such as a world
   fair, resort, spa, etc.) to prospective tourists or visitors to the United
   States, the oral continuity concerning such attraction is consistent with
   the purpose and intent of this section.

   (5) In case of any other type of advertising, such advertising is directed
   to the foreign country or countries to which the program is directed and is
   consistent with the purpose and intent of this section.

   (c) The geographic areas to be served by international broadcasting stations
   are the zones and areas of reception shown in  Sec. 73.703.

   (d) An international broadcast station may transmit the program of a AM
   broadcast  station or network system: Provided, That the conditions in
   paragraph (b) of this section as to any commercial continuities are observed
   and when station identifications are made, only the call letter designation
   of  the international station is given and its assigned frequency: And
   provided further, That in the case of chain broadcasting the program is not
   carried simultaneously by another international station (except another
   station owned by the same licensee operated on a frequency in a different
   group to obtain continuity of signal service), the signals from which are
   directed to the same area. (See section 3(p) of the Communications Act of
   1934 for the definition of “chain broadcasting.”)

   [ 28 FR 13696 , Dec. 14, 1963, as amended at  37 FR 25843 , Dec. 5, 1972;  38 FR 18896 , July 16, 1973]

Subpart G—Low Power FM Broadcast Stations (LPFM)

   Source:    65 FR 7640 , Feb. 15, 2000, unless otherwise noted.

Goto Section: 73.787 | 73.801

Goto Year: 2006 | 2008
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