Goto Section: 73.3500 | 73.3512 | Table of Contents

FCC 73.3511
Revised as of October 1, 2007
Goto Year:2006 | 2008
Sec.  73.3511   Applications required.

   (a) Formal application means any request for authorization where an FCC form
   for such request is prescribed. The prescription of an FCC form includes the
   requirement that the proper edition of the form is used. Formal applications
   on obsolete forms are subject to the provisions of  Sec. 73.3564 concerning
   acceptance of applications and  Sec. 73.3566 concerning defective applications.

   (b)  Informal  application  1  means  all  other  written requests for
   authorization.  All such applications should contain a caption clearly
   indicating the nature of the request submitted therein.

   (c) Formal and informal applications must comply with the requirements as to
   signing specified herein and in  Sec. 73.3513.

   [ 44 FR 38486 , July 2, 1979, as amended at  47 FR 40172 , Sept. 13, 1982]

Goto Section: 73.3500 | 73.3512

Goto Year: 2006 | 2008
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