Goto Section: 73.1720 | 73.1730 | Table of Contents

FCC 73.1725
Revised as of October 1, 2007
Goto Year:2006 | 2008
Sec.  73.1725   Limited time.

   (a) Operation is applicable only to Class B (secondary) AM stations on a
   clear channel with facilities authorized before November 30, 1959. Operation
   of the secondary station is permitted during daytime and until local sunset
   if located west of the Class A station on the channel, or until local sunset
   at the Class A station if located east of that station. Operation is also
   permitted during nighttime hours not used by the Class A station or other
   stations on the channel.

   (b) No authorization will be granted for:

   (1) A new limited time station;

   (2) A limited time station operating on a changed frequency;

   (3) A limited time station with a new transmitter site materially closer to
   the 0.1 mV/m contour of a co-channel U.S. Class A station; or

   (4) Modification of the operating facilities of a limited time station
   resulting in increased radiation toward any point on the 0.1 mV/m contour of
   a co-channel U.S. Class A station during the hours after local sunset in
   which the limited time station is permitted to operate by reason of location
   east of the Class A station.

   (c) The licensee of a secondary station which is authorized to operate
   limited time and which may resume operation at the time the Class A station
   (or  stations)  on  the same channel ceases operation shall, with each
   application for renewal of license, file in triplicate a copy of its regular
   operating schedule. It shall bear a signed notation by the licensee of the
   Class A station of its objection or lack of objection thereto. Upon approval
   of such operating schedule, the FCC will affix its file mark and return one
   copy to the licensee authorized to operate limited time. This shall be
   posted with the station license and considered as a part thereof. Departure
   from said operating schedule will be permitted only pursuant to  Sec. 73.1715
   (Share time).

   [ 56 FR 64872 , Dec. 12, 1991]

Goto Section: 73.1720 | 73.1730

Goto Year: 2006 | 2008
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