Goto Section: 69.707 | 69.711 | Table of Contents

FCC 69.709
Revised as of October 1, 2007
Goto Year:2006 | 2008
Sec.  69.709   Dedicated transport and special access services other than channel
terminations between LEC end offices and customer premises.

   (a) Scope. This paragraph governs requests for pricing flexibility with
   respect to the following services:

   (1) Entrance facilities, as described in  Sec. 69.110.

   (2) Transport of traffic over dedicated transport facilities between the
   serving  wire  center and the tandem switching office, as described in
    Sec. 69.111(a)(2)(iii).

   (3) Direct-trunked transport, as described in  Sec. 69.112.

   (4) Special access services, as described in  Sec. 69.114, other than channel
   terminations as defined in  Sec. 69.703(a)(2) of this part.

   (b) Phase I triggers. To obtain Phase I pricing flexibility, as specified in
    Sec. 69.727(a) of this part, for the services described in paragraph (a) of this
   section, a price cap LEC must show that, in the relevant area as described
   in  Sec. 69.707 of this part, competitors unaffiliated with the price cap LEC
   have collocated:

   (1) In fifteen percent of the petitioner's wire centers, and that at least
   one such collocator in each wire center is using transport facilities owned
   by a transport provider other than the price cap LEC to transport traffic
   from that wire center; or

   (2) In wire centers accounting for 30 percent of the petitioner's revenues
   from dedicated transport and special access services other than channel
   terminations between LEC end offices and customer premises, determined as
   specified in  Sec. 69.725 of this part, and that at least one such collocator in
   each wire center is using transport facilities owned by a transport provider
   other than the price cap LEC to transport traffic from that wire center.

   (c) Phase II triggers. To obtain Phase II pricing flexibility, as specified
   in  Sec. 69.727(b) of this part, for the services described in paragraph (a) of
   this  section, a price cap LEC must show that, in the relevant area as
   described in  Sec. 69.707 of this part, competitors unaffiliated with the price
   cap LEC have collocated:

   (1) in 50 percent of the petitioner's wire centers, and that at least one
   such collocator in each wire center is using transport facilities owned by a
   transport provider other than the price cap LEC to transport traffic from
   that wire center; or

   (2) in wire centers accounting for 65 percent of the petitioner's revenues
   from dedicated transport and special access services other than channel
   terminations between LEC end offices and customer premises, determined as
   specified in  Sec. 69.725 of this part, and that at least one such collocator in
   each wire center is using transport facilities owned by a transport provider
   other than the price cap LEC to transport traffic from that wire center.

Goto Section: 69.707 | 69.711

Goto Year: 2006 | 2008
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