Goto Section: 64.2500 | 64.2502 | Table of Contents

FCC 64.2501
Revised as of October 1, 2007
Goto Year:2006 | 2008
Sec.  64.2501   Scope of limitation.

   For the purposes of this subpart, a multiunit premises is any contiguous
   area under common ownership or control that contains two or more distinct
   units. A commercial multiunit premises is any multiunit premises that is
   predominantly used for non-residential purposes, including for-profit,
   non-profit,  and  governmental  uses. Nothing in this subpart shall be
   construed  to  forbid a common carrier from entering into an exclusive
   contract to serve only residential customers on any premises.

Goto Section: 64.2500 | 64.2502

Goto Year: 2006 | 2008
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