Goto Section: 61.32 | 61.38 | Table of Contents

FCC 61.33
Revised as of October 1, 2007
Goto Year:2006 | 2008
Sec.  61.33   Letters of transmittal.

   (a) Except as specified in  Sec. 61.32(b), all publications filed on paper with
   the  Commission  must be numbered consecutively by the issuing carrier
   beginning with Number 1, and must be accompanied by a letter of transmittal,
   A4  (21 cm×29.7 cm) or 81/2by 11 inches (21.6 cm×27.9 cm) in size. All
   letters of transmittal must

   (1) Concisely explain the nature and purpose of the filing;

   (2) Specify whether supporting information under  Sec. 61.38 is required;

   (3) State whether copies have been delivered to the Commercial Contractor
   and the Chief, Pricing Policy Division.

   (4) Contain a statement indicating the date and method of filing of the
   original of the transmittal letter as required by  Sec. 61.32(b), and the date
   and method of filing the copies as required by  Sec. 61.32 (a) and (c); and

   (5) Include the FCC Registration Number (FRN) of the carrier(s) on whose
   behalf the letter is submitted. See part 1, subpart W of this chapter.

   (b) In addition to the requirements set forth in paragraph (a) of this
   section, any local exchange carrier choosing to file an Access Tariff under
    Sec. 61.39 must include in the transmittal:

   (1) A summary of the filing's basic rates, terms and conditions;

   (2)  A  statement  concerning  whether  any  prior Commission facility
   authorization  necessary  to the implementation of the tariff has been
   obtained; and

   (3) A statement that the filing is made pursuant to  Sec. 61.39.

   (c) In addition to the requirements set forth in paragraph (a) of this
   section, any carrier filing a price cap tariff must include in the letter of
   transmittal a statement that the filing is made pursuant to  Sec. 61.49.

   (d) Tariffs filed pursuant to section 204(a)(3) of the Communications Act
   shall display prominently in the upper right hand corner of the letter of
   transmittal a statement that the filing is made pursuant to that section and
   whether it is being filed on 7- or 15-days' notice.

   (e) In addition to the requirements set forth in paragraph (a) of this
   section, any carrier filing a new or revised tariff made on 15 days' notice
   or less shall include in the letter of transmittal, the name, room number,
   street address, telephone number, and facsimile number of the individual
   designated by the filing carrier to receive personal or facsimile service of
   petitions against the filing as required under  Sec. 1.773(a)(4) of this chapter.

   (f) In addition to the requirements set forth in paragraphs (a), (b), and
   (c) of this section, the letter of transmittal must specifically reference
   by  number  any  special  permission necessary to implement the tariff
   publication. Special permission must be granted prior to the filing of the
   tariff publication, and may not be requested in the transmittal letter.

   (g) The letter of transmittal must be substantially in the following format:


   (Exact name of carrier in full)

   (Post Office Address)


   Transmittal No.

   Secretary, Federal Communications Commission; Washington, DC 20554

   Attention: Wireline Competition Bureau

   The accompanying tariff (or other publication) issued by ___, and bearing
   FCC No. ___, effective ___, 20 _, is sent to you for filing in compliance
   with the requirements of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. (Here
   give the additional information required.)

   (Name of issuing officer or agent)

   (Title) ____________________________________

   (h)(1) A separate letter of transmittal may accompany each publication, or
   the above format may be modified to provide for filing as many publications
   as desired with one transmittal letter.

   (2) [Reserved]

   Note to  Sec. 61.33: If a receipt for accompanying publication is desired, the
   letter of transmittal must be sent in duplicate. One copy showing the date
   of receipt by the Commission will then be returned to the sender.

   [ 55 FR 19173 , May 8, 1990, as amended by  56 FR 55239 , Oct. 25, 1991;  58 FR 17530 , Apr. 5, 1993;  58 FR 44906 , Aug. 25, 1993;  62 FR 5777 , Feb. 7, 1997;
    64 FR 46588 , 46593, Aug. 26, 1999;  66 FR 47896 , Sept. 14, 2001;  67 FR 13228 ,
   Mar. 21, 2002]

Goto Section: 61.32 | 61.38

Goto Year: 2006 | 2008
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