Goto Section: 42.7 | 42.11 | Table of Contents

FCC 42.10
Revised as of October 1, 2007
Goto Year:2006 | 2008
Sec.  42.10   Public availability of information concerning interexchange services.

   (a) A nondominant interexchange carrier (IXC) shall make available to any
   member of the public, in at least one location, during regular business
   hours, information concerning its current rates, terms and conditions for
   all of its international and interstate, domestic, interexchange services.
   Such information shall be made available in an easy to understand format and
   in  a timely manner. Following an inquiry or complaint from the public
   concerning rates, terms and conditions for such services, a carrier shall
   specify that such information is available and the manner in which the
   public may obtain the information.

   (b) In addition, a nondominant IXC that maintains an Internet website shall
   make such rate and service information specified in paragraph (a) of this
   section available on-line at its Internet website in a timely and easily
   accessible manner, and shall update this information regularly.

   [ 64 FR 19725 , Apr. 22, 1999, as amended at  66 FR 16879 , Mar. 28, 2001]

Goto Section: 42.7 | 42.11

Goto Year: 2006 | 2008
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