Goto Section: 4.5 | 4.9 | Table of Contents

FCC 4.7
Revised as of October 1, 2007
Goto Year:2006 | 2008
Sec.  4.7   Definitions of metrics used to determine the general outage-reporting
threshold criteria.

   (a) Administrative numbers are defined as the telephone numbers used by
   communications providers to perform internal administrative or operational
   functions necessary to maintain reasonable quality of service standards.

   (b) Assigned numbers are defined as the telephone numbers working in the
   Public Switched Telephone Network under an agreement such as a contract or
   tariff at the request of specific end users or customers for their use. This
   excludes numbers that are not yet working but have a service order pending.

   (c) Assigned telephone number minutes are defined as the mathematical result
   of multiplying the duration of an outage, expressed in minutes, by the sum
   of the number of assigned numbers (defined in paragraph (b) of this section)
   potentially affected by the outage and the number of administrative numbers
   (defined in paragraph (a) of this section) potentially affected by the
   outage. “Assigned telephone number minutes” can alternatively be calculated
   as  the  mathematical result of multiplying the duration of an outage,
   expressed in minutes, by the number of working telephone numbers potentially
   affected by the outage, where working telephone numbers are defined as the
   telephone numbers, including DID numbers, working immediately prior to the

   (d) DS3 minutes are defined as the mathematical result of multiplying the
   duration of an outage, expressed in minutes, by the number of previously
   operating DS3 circuits that were affected by the outage.

   (e) User minutes are defined as:

   (1) Assigned telephone number minutes (as defined in paragraph (c) of this
   section),  for  telephony  and for those paging networks in which each
   individual user is assigned a telephone number;

   (2)  The mathematical result of multiplying the duration of an outage,
   expressed in minutes, by the number of end users potentially affected by the
   outage, for all other forms of communications.

   (f) Working telephone numbers are defined to be the sum of all telephone
   numbers that can originate, or terminate telecommunications. This includes,
   for example, all working telephone numbers on the customer's side of a PBX,
   or Centrex, or similar arrangement.

Goto Section: 4.5 | 4.9

Goto Year: 2006 | 2008
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