Goto Section: 22.907 | 22.911 | Table of Contents

FCC 22.909
Revised as of October 1, 2007
Goto Year:2006 | 2008
Sec.  22.909   Cellular markets.

   Cellular  markets  are  standard  geographic areas used by the FCC for
   administrative convenience in the licensing of cellular systems. Cellular
   markets comprise Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) and Rural Service
   Areas (RSAs). All cellular markets and the counties they comprise are listed
   in Public Notice Report No. CL–92–40 “Common Carrier Public Mobile Services
   Information, Cellular MSA/RSA Markets and Counties”, dated January 24, 1992,
   DA 92–109, 7 FCC Rcd 742 (1992).

   (a)  MSAs. Metropolitan Statistical Areas are 306 areas, including New
   England County Metropolitan Areas and the Gulf of Mexico Service Area (water
   area of the Gulf of Mexico, border is the coastline), defined by the Office
   of Management and Budget, as modified by the FCC.

   (b) RSAs. Rural Service Areas are 428 areas, other than MSAs, established by
   the FCC.

Goto Section: 22.907 | 22.911

Goto Year: 2006 | 2008
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