Goto Section: 22.305 | 22.313 | Table of Contents

FCC 22.307
Revised as of October 1, 2007
Goto Year:2006 | 2008
Sec.  22.307   Operation during emergency.

   Licensees of stations in the Public Mobile services may, during a period of
   emergency in which normal communications facilities are disrupted as a
   result of hurricane, flood, earthquake or other natural disaster, civil
   unrest, widespread vandalism, national emergencies or emergencies declared
   by Executive Order of the President, use their stations to temporarily
   provide emergency communications services in a manner or configuration not
   normally allowed by this part, provided that such operations comply with the
   provisions of this section.

   (a)  Technical limitations. Public Mobile stations providing temporary
   emergency communications service must not transmit:

   (1) On channels other than those authorized for normal operations.

   (2) With power in excess of that authorized for normal operations;

   (3) Emission types other than those authorized for normal operations.

   (b) Discontinuance. Temporary emergency use of Public Mobile stations must
   be discontinued as soon as normal communication facilities are restored. The
   FCC  may,  at any time, order the discontinuance of any such emergency
   communication services.

Goto Section: 22.305 | 22.313

Goto Year: 2006 | 2008
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