Goto Section: 18.10 | 18.17 | Table of Contents

FCC 18.14
Revised as of July 19, 2007
Goto Year:2006 | 2008
Sec.  17.14   Certain antenna structures exempt from notification to the FAA.

   A notification to the Federal Aviation Administration is not required for
   any of the following construction or alteration:

   (a) Any object that would be shielded by existing structures of a permanent
   and substantial character or by natural terrain or topographic features of
   equal or greater height, and would be located in the congested area of a
   city, town, or settlement where it is evident beyond all reasonable doubt
   that the structure so shielded will not adversely affect safety in air
   navigation. Applicant claiming such exemption under  Sec. 17.14(a) shall submit a
   statement with their application to the FCC explaining basis in detail for
   their finding.

   (b) Any antenna structure of 6.10 meters (20 feet) or less in height except
   one that would increase the height of another antenna structure.

   (c) Any air navigation facility, airport visual approach or landing aid,
   aircraft arresting device, or meteorological device, of a type approved by
   the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration, the location and
   height of which is fixed by its functional purpose.

   [ 32 FR 11269 , Aug. 3, 1967, as amended at  39 FR 7581 , Feb. 27, 1974;  42 FR 54824 , Oct. 11, 1977;  61 FR 4363 , Feb. 6, 1996]

Goto Section: 18.10 | 18.17

Goto Year: 2006 | 2008
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