Goto Section: 101.81 | 101.83 | Table of Contents

FCC 101.82
Revised as of October 1, 2007
Goto Year:2006 | 2008
Sec.  101.82   Reimbursement and relocation expenses in the 2110–2150 MHz and
2160–2200 MHz bands.

   (a)  Reimbursement  and  relocation expenses for the 2110–2130 MHz and
   2160–2180 MHz bands are addressed in  Sec.  Sec. 27.116027.1174.

   (b) Cost-sharing obligations between AWS and MSS (space-to-Earth downlink).
   Whenever an ET licensee (AWS or Mobile Satellite Service for space-to-Earth
   downlink in the 2130–2150 or 2180–2200 MHz bands) relocates an incumbent
   paired microwave link with one path in the 2130–2150 MHz band and the paired
   path in the 2180–2200 MHz band, the relocator is entitled to reimbursement
   of 50 percent of its relocation costs (see paragraph (e)) of this section
   from any other AWS licensee or MSS space-to-Earth downlink operator which
   would have been required to relocate the same fixed microwave link as set
   forth in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section.

   (c) Cost-sharing obligations for MSS (space-to-Earth downlinks). For an MSS
   space-to-Earth  downlink,  the cost-sharing obligation is based on the
   interference criteria for relocation, i.e. , TIA TSB 86 or any standard
   successor, relative to the relocated microwave link. Subsequently entering
   MSS  space-to-Earth  downlink  operators  must  reimburse  AWS  or MSS
   space-to-Earth relocators (see paragraph (e)) of this section before the
   later entrant may begin operations in these bands, unless the later entrant
   can demonstrate that it would not have interfered with the microwave link in

   (d) Cost-sharing obligations among terrestrial stations. For terrestrial
   stations (AWS and MSS Ancillary Terrestrial Component (ATC)), cost-sharing
   obligations are governed by  Sec.  Sec. 27.1160 through 27.1174 of this chapter;
   provided, however, that MSS operators (including MSS/ATC operators) are not
   obligated  to  reimburse  voluntarily relocating FMS incumbents in the
   2180–2200 MHz band. (AWS reimbursement and cost-sharing obligations relative
   to voluntarily relocating FMS incumbents are governed by  Sec. 27.1166 of this

   (e) The total costs of which 50 percent is to be reimbursed will not exceed
   $250,000 per paired fixed microwave link relocated, with an additional
   $150,000 permitted if a new or modified tower is required.

   [ 71 FR 29843 , May 24, 2006]

Policies Governing Fixed Service Relocation From the 18.58–19.30 GHz Band

   Source:    65 FR 54173 , Sept. 7, 2000, unless otherwise noted.

Goto Section: 101.81 | 101.83

Goto Year: 2006 | 2008
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