Goto Section: 1.5006 | 1.6000 | Table of Contents

FCC 1.5007
Revised as of October 1, 2007
Goto Year:2006 | 2008
Sec.  1.5007   Comments.

   (a) Any person wishing to be heard concerning an application for ETC status
   may file comments with the Commission within fifteen (15) days from the
   release date of a public notice regarding the application, or such other
   period of time set by the Commission. Any comments must be limited to the
   adequacy or accuracy of the application.

   (b) Any person who files comments with the Commission must also serve copies
   of all comments on the applicant.

   (c) An applicant has seven (7) days to reply to any comments filed regarding
   the adequacy and accuracy of its application, or such other period of time
   as set by the Commission. Such reply shall be served on the commenters.

   [ 61 FR 52899 , Oct. 9, 1996;  61 FR 57335 , Nov. 6, 1996]

Subpart U—Implementation of Section 325(e) of the Communications Act:
Procedures Governing Complaints Filed by Television Broadcast Stations Against
Satellite Carriers for Retransmission Without Consent

   Source:    65 FR 10720 , Feb. 29, 2000, unless otherwise noted.

Goto Section: 1.5006 | 1.6000

Goto Year: 2006 | 2008
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