Goto Section: 1.22 | 1.24 | Table of Contents

FCC 1.23
Revised as of October 1, 2007
Goto Year:2006 | 2008
Sec.  1.23   Persons who may be admitted to practice.

   (a) Any person who is a member in good standing of the bar of the Supreme
   Court of the United States or of the highest court of any state, territory
   or the District of Columbia, and who is not under any final order of any
   authority having power to suspend or disbar an attorney in the practice of
   law within any state, territory or the District of Columbia that suspends,
   enjoins,  restrains, disbars, or otherwise restricts him or her in the
   practice of law, may represent others before the Commission.

   (b) When such member of the bar acting in a representative capacity appears
   in person or signs a paper in practice before the Commission, his personal
   appearance or signature shall constitute a representation to the Commission
   that, under the provisions of this chapter and the law, he is authorized and
   qualified to represent the particular party in whose behalf he acts. Further
   proof of authority to act in a representative capacity may be required.

   [ 28 FR 12415 , Nov. 22, 1963, as amended at  57 FR 38285 , Aug. 24, 1992]

Goto Section: 1.22 | 1.24

Goto Year: 2006 | 2008
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